Suresh MS
Managing Director
Suresh MS
Managing Director
SS Automation’s Managing Director Mr. Suresh M S has a Plethora of experience in varied aspects of designing & conceptualizing solutions, with high visibility in as much years in the field of solutioning business. His vision in implementing cutting-edge technology and wherewithal to pre-emptive failures and fixing it absolutely in the design has been his strength. In the last two decades, he has personally created over 350+ solutions and 15 various patents for various industry domains by commissioning unconventional first-of-its-kind state-of-the-art processes with sustained quality and uncompromised deliveries. Mr. Suresh M S deploys his sound knowledge, gained from his academics from India’s most premier institutions & skilled experience to pursue his passion for inventing solutions & applications for customers from varied domains, and that includes bicycles to space.